Book Thing Bead Society Library!

We finally set up a library on a website called Library Thing. We are slowly adding books to the collection. Kay will bring about five books to each meeting that members can check out and bring back the following month.

The address of the website is:


We have received donations of books from various members and in some cases, former members. Ann, the daughter of former member, Helen Sjoberg contacted us and gave us many of her mother’s books. At one time, the Bead Society was very engaged in helping members obtain interesting books about beads. Now, of course, we all have the internet! We have also purchased a few of the books, and some of our speakers such as Floor Kaspers from the Netherlands have donated copies of their books to us.

Please visit the website and let us know if there is a book you would like to look at. If you’d like to help us input the other books, that would be wonderful. Contact Kay at

Again, the Library can be found at

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